at grumlaw kids, we believe the Bible should never be boring, Church can be really exciting, and good leaders always care

amazing programming for kids 0 – 5th grade.

babies and toddlers receive nurturing care and have fun activities in a safe and loving environment. preschoolers and elementary kids participate in high-energy music, creative lessons and games, and have tons of fun learning about jesus.

what to expect on sunday

We hope children know what it means to follow God and pursue him with all their heart, soul, and mind. Each hour that your child is in our program they experience relevant Bible teaching from our staff and volunteer teachers. Your children will get to know kids in the same age group and learn to pray and sing as a natural overflow of their love for God. Children are divided into four different rooms:

  1. Fox Room (Nursery)
  2. Turkey & Deer Rooms (2-5 year olds)
  3. Bears (Elementary)
  4. Wolverine Room (4th & 5th grade)
we partner with families
We believe that the parent(s) have more impact on their children’s spiritual development than any other person, church worker, or teacher ever could. In fact, we estimate that on average a child will attend our program for 25 hours a year- compare that number to the 3,000 discretionary hours that parents have available to spend with their children. Who has the greater opportunity to steer a life? Therefore, we want to do whatever we can to help equip, resource, and support parents to be the primary spiritual leaders in their homes.
first time?

We want your first week at Grumlaw to be as easy-going of an experience as possible. Checking in your kids has probably been a hassle at some point in your life. By filling out the form below before joining us on Sunday, we’ll already have you in our system. You’ll feel like a seasoned professional when you arrive- no long forms to fill out, no waiting in lines, just step up to our check-in stations, print a tag, and your kids will be ready for the best hour of their week (we seriously believe that).

Your child’s safety is our first priority. All Grumlaw Kids volunteers pass a background check, and we have a dedicated Security Team committed to keeping our kids areas safe. We use a security tag system for child check-in and pick-up, and a paging system for parents/guardians in case we need to reach you during one of our services.

Don’t hesitate to reach out to our Family Ministries Director, Andrea Prisk, she’s pretty awesome.

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i’d like to take the next step

We’re excited you’ve made a decision to take a next step, take a moment and let us know and someone from Grumlaw will be in touch with you shortly!