Grumlaw Online
Sundays at 9:00 & 10:30am
non-boring services.

Online services last less than an hour (unless you have kids, then you’re definitely gonna want to stick around til the end for Grumlaw Kids). We’ll haveĀ a message, sing some songs, and probably show you a video or two.

We’re really excited that you decided to give Grumlaw a chance (we seriously mean that).

We’re not sure why you decided to check us out – maybe a friend invited you, maybe you saw a billboard, maybe you just searched for a church and we popped up. We don’t really care how you found us, we’re just glad you did. No matter who you are or what your life looks like, we hope that this online service prompts you to take your next step towards God. How great is that? The God of the universe wants a relationship with you – think of us as some people who are looking to facilitate that.
speaking of next steps
If you’ve never filled out a Connect Card, we’d love it if you would (not because we’re looking to sell your information, but because this is how we’re able to truly connect with you, beyond just watching a service once a week)
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i’d like to take the next step

We’re excited you’ve made a decision to take a next step, take a moment and let us know and someone from Grumlaw will be in touch with you shortly!